Unit 4

The Sensors

In the previous unit, you explored one of M:B's many sensors: the temperature sensor. In this next unit, you will explore more of the M:B sensors and how to integrate them in your coding.

Themes: Sensors, Variable Blocks, Logic Blocks & Physical Computing.

Watch the following videos about M:B sensors:


Why do we use sensors? Where can we find sensors in our daily life?

TEACHER TIP! Compile student submissions in a common place for everyone to see other responses. A padlet could work for this or any shared area you already use with students.

Learn How To... Use sensors & integrate them in your code

Challenge #4 - Program a Coin Toss on your micro:bit. Use the "Shake" feature to initiate the coin toss.

Challenge #5 - Design and build a Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

Challenge #6 - Program and test a Step Counter.


Intermediate activities:

...Design a Magic 8 Ball.

...Try the Night Light Challenge.

Beginner project:
...Build a
Simple Door Alarm.

Keeping Track of Your Code & Process

Don't forget to keep track of your code! Use the tracking document provided by your teacher to save and track your M:B projects.