Unit 5

Alarm and Warning Systems

In this unit, you will learn how to turn your M:B into an alarm system using sensors, sound and even LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes - an output device that produces light).

Themes: Warning Systems, Alarms.


Why do we have alarm or warning systems? Where might we want to have a warning system? Or an alarm? Think of a situation in which you might need an alarm or warning system.

TEACHER TIP! Compile student submissions in a common place for everyone to see other responses. A padlet could work for this or any shared area you already use with students.

Watch the following videos that show examples of M:B alarm systems.

LEARN How To - Code an Alarm or Warning System

Challenge #5 - Program and build a Cookie Jar Alarm that will notify you when the jar or box has been opened.

Challenge #6 - Build and program a Security Box that has an alarm system AND a combination code.

Challenge #7 - Build and program an Earthquake or Tsunami Warning System. Which built-in M:B sensor could be used to do so?


Can you find ways of improving one of the previous alarm systems? Or adapting it to a specific need of yours?

Some ideas:
-The M:B is capable of Bluetooth and radio communication. This means micro:bits can communicate with each other. Can you find a way of sending a message or sound to a friend's M:B when your alarm is triggered?
-Using alligator clips, can you connect LEDs to your project and make them flash when the alarm is triggered?
-Try documenting your project by making a short video that describes what you created, the process and what you could improve.


...Try out the Water Bottle Alarm.

...Explore more M:B alarm projects here. Type "alarm" in the search box.

Keeping Track of Your Code & Process

Don't forget to keep track of your code! Use the tracking document provided by your teacher to save and track your M:B projects.